About Bee's Books
Bee's Books promotes a 14-year-old girl who writes passionately each day.
"I've been telling stories since I can remember. I've been putting them to paper since I was 6." Say's Bobbie Prevost. The young writer this page is dedicated to.
Bobbie (Bee) has many books on the go. After asking, she replied with an insane number. This 14-year-old is working on 20 stories at once!
"It's how I get through my writers' block," Bobbie says. "I'm continuously coming up with new ideas. A writers' block for one book is an open door to start a new."
Bobbie says she hopes to have completed her book Dream Thief, the first book of a young adult series, by summer.

Dream Thief
(Unofficial) July, 23 2022
Dream Thief is a young adult book for ages 13-18. Dream Thief is the first of a fantasy, adventure series. If you're a fan of Sarah. J. MAAS, Jennifer L.  Armentrout, or even Leigh Bardugo, this series is for you. As of right now, the book is unfinished and only available on one online platform. You can find the book and read it with zero charges on Wattpad.com under the user Bobbiejcp.
Sneak Peak
Bobbie Prevost
As he sat still in The Nothing, Zach realized that he never really did find out where he was. Was it a different country? A different planet? He made a mental note to ask Isaac about that later. His thoughts drifted from Isaac to Emma. They said she was gone... Zach couldn't help but imagine the worst. Anything could've happened to her... He shook his head.Â
Anything could've happened to Liam. He closed his eyes and hoped that he wasn't too late.
Opening his eyes, he took in the sight in front of him. Buildings were fallen, remnants of what they once were, scattered across the Earth like leaves in the wind.
Fires burned anywhere and everywhere he looked, the smoke caressing his lungs, poisoning him with every breath he took.Â
People running frantically, their screams echoing, ringing in his ears.Â
The sky was grey, the sun nowhere to be seen. As if it had never been.
Creatures like shadows slithered along the torn-up ground, emerging just in time to grab a helpless old man. Their head seemed to split in half, revealing rows and rows of razor-sharp teeth. Zach watched hopelessly as the demon bit into the man's head.Â
Another demon walked right into the body of a child. The kids' eyes went black and his skin pale, however, that went away in seconds. Zach knew what had just happened, and he hated that he didn't know how to help the kid.Â
Zach blinked and ran to his house in hopes to find his little brother. He ran through the burning chaotic streets, running faster than he ever had before. His lungs burned and his legs felt numb, but he didn't falter. Zach focused on his breathing, focused on getting to Liam.Â
He burst through the front door and jumped up the stairs to Liams' room. When he didn't find him there his heart sunk. Yet, he didn't give up his hope, he sped across the hall and into his room.Â
There, on his bed was a wide-eyed Liam. His hair ruffled and his train pajamas were still on. Zach let out a sigh of relief as he gathered Liam in his arms.Â
"I was so worried," He whispered into his hair.
"You're too late." Growled an unfamiliar scratchy voice.
Zach pulled back just in time to watch as Liams eyes turned black.
"No." He whispered.
Thank you
Thank you for reading. I hope you check out my friend's book. I and many others have enjoyed it. I have a feeling you will as well.